Pignorant news & Media

Pignorant news & Media
The Guardian
Hidden camera at slaughterhouse appears to show ‘utterly inhumane’ use of CO2 to stun pigs before slaughter
Warwickshire World
The Telegraph
Activists demonstrate at charity’s West Sussex headquarters over RSPCA Assured status of abattoirs using CO2 to stun animals
Plant Based News
Around 88 percent of farmed pigs in the UK are gassed with a high concentration of carbon dioxide
One Green Planet
Recent undercover footage from a UK slaughterhouse has revealed the unsettling treatment of pigs before slaughter, leading to calls for an investigation into the use of CO2 gas.
International Business Times
Undercover UK investigation inside a pig abattoir exposes the "utterly inhumane" suffering of pigs.
Sussex World
Animal rights activists staged a protest outside RSPCA offices in Horsham. They are calling for transparent labelling on pork products.